" The Independent Woman"

For those of you who don't know, in addition to being a full-time paralegal , I'm also a part-time real estate agent. So yesterday I received a call from a prospective client in regards to a very affordable 2-bedroom that is no longer available, but I let the client know that while that one was gone, I had a few more that were quite nice, but a bit more expensive. She told me what her income was and that the apartment was for her and her 3 sons. I asked her if there was anyone elses's income for me to consider ( I was really hoping there was) and she told me "No , I wish there was, but it's just me".
Hearing that broke my heart, because no woman should have to lay down and make not one, not two, but three children with a man to only end up raising them by herself.This woman was undoubtedly strong (she's also a correction officer) and independent, but something seemed to be missing from the picture. A man to raise those young men perhaps?
In the day and age where women CAN do it all by ourselves, Do we really want to?
Speak on it...
I think yes. I mean there may be some women out there who do fine on their own. But, truthfully speaking, if women wanted to be independent, then why do they go all out and do anything and everything for a man who doesn't want them, why do they fight over men, and cry over them. In this day and age women can be independent, but still majority of us still rely on men, because we "need" them.
I do not think we so much need them as want them. We want them to be apart of the children's lives who they help us create. We want them to give us TLC. We want them to be about something. We want more than face value and we want to see what they have underneath it all. We want them to be our friend, companion and hero. At the end of the day they have to show us a reason to want all this. In my opinion never expect a man to be anything more or less than what he shows you he is and always protect yourself because ladies we are the only ones watching our backs.
I think that men and women were designed to need one another. Neither were meant to raise families alone and doing so produces tons of damaged individuals (myself included). Little boys need a man to raise them to be the man that they are to be...and little girls need a man to model what they should expect of men and healthy relationships. Too many of us never had that in necessary doses which has created females who believe they have to be "super woman" and men who believe women don't need them - leaving little room for HEALTHY inter-dependency.
No one wants to do be alone.....or go through life alone. Even the most independent "i dont need a man for nothing" woman, will have her moments where she will crave for the attention and love of a partner...its a natural emotion we all experience. I have the utmost respect for woman who would rather be alone than deal with the bullshit that sometime comes with having a man.(thats probaly the case with this lady)....Frankly, i think the "choice" of being alone is not a choice at all, but a realization of your self-worth and waiting for your "knight in shining armor"
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