How to Act Like A Lady.. Think Like A Man

Here are the highlights and the the Hmms...
- Highlight-Every man has a plan: Steve believes that every man as he walks up to you, has already designed a plan for you . Either you're marriage material or a jumpoff., but I suggest you find out his "plan" before you get to...
- Highlight- The cookie: Steve believes that similar to a job, men should have to wait at least three months to get the cookie/sex. He compares it to benefits on a job. You have to wait three months to evaluate his behavior and reward him...Definetely agree. Some women hand it out like gum to everyone who applies for the job..damn shame
- Hmmm- You must have a title: Steve believes that a man must give you a title. Now this one is tricky because sometimes in relationships some things are every bit shades of grey and that goes both ways...
- Highlight/Hmmm- Men cheat because they lack 1 or more of 3 required aspects o a relationship:Love, Loyalty and/or Support. Now this could be true or untrue for men.Sometimes men cheat for purely physical reasons. Women simply have to come to terms with that. It's not right, but there are some losers who can be getting EVERYTHING at home and still find a reason to step out...For women though..I think it applies
- Highlight- Don't tell him you need to talk: Men shut down when you say this.Actually people shut down if you preempt a serious conversations like this. Just start talking..
For the rest, pick up the book ..Let me know what you think...
Keep in mind though it is just a book and Steve is just a man... Speak on it