Now that the Lsat is over and it's time to apply to law school, I have a bit more time on my hands. I'm back in real estate; just signed on with Century 21 (Yay), but in my leisure time you can find me curled up watching any of my new favorite shows....
MondayGossip Girl (When it isn't in repeats)
Fantasia (I'm being a bit presumptious, since the premiere is actually just debuting tonight, but I got a good feeling)
Pepa's dating show (Same thing, but I love Pep's spirit so I'm betting on her)
I've been watching Monica, although I honestly think it's content is BORING, I can't wait for Monica's new music to come out.I've been singing those few lines of Everything every chance I get
WednesdayModern Family (I actually started off DVRing Cougar Town and would catch the end of Modern Family and found that it was 9x funnier than Cougar Town...lol)
Best night, by far! Jersey Shore and The Real Housewives Franchise....need I say more?
I usually watch Say Yes To The Dress or some random movie....Just saw Basic Instinct(yea, I know I'm late, but Sharon Stone is crazy!)
HBO's premiere
Cleveland Show and can't wait for Season 4 of Dexter!