Real Housewives of Atlanta :In All its Foolywang Glory..

Wooooooooooooo! Bammm! Time for some eyes popping, lips busting ,wig pulling action..LOL
If you're anything like me and millions of other women (and some men) around the country you know where you were @ 10 pm last night and what you were watching.
The Real Housewives of Atlanta are back for their second season and are serving up all the drama we've been waiting for all summer..Say what you want about the women, but they are the best thing on TV period! Although they're a hot mess at times, we love it.
I know this isn't the purpose of my blog,but I wouldnt be me
if I didn't give my two cents about these 5 entertaining Georgia Peaches:
Highs and Lows
HIGH So don't you just love Dwight and his over the top "How you doing?"status?.. I absoutely loved his side eye @ Nene when she tried to say his eyelashes weren't it!
low Why does Kim's wig still look like that? I know Big Papa left her, but they sell amazing human hair half wigs for $20.00 at most beauty supply stores (you know I know, lol). Get it together Kim.
HIGH Sheree keeping her head up and doing what she gotta do for her children, despite their multi-millionaire deadbeat father's absence. I will always respect single mothers.
low Lisa not being sure about giving Ed another baby right now...She crazy, cuz if Ed was mine? Hmmmm! He could whatever he like....
HIGH EJ! (Lisa and Ed's son) Cutest kid on the show.Definetely a scene stealer, with Kandi's daughter running a close second...
low Niecey Nash asking Lisa about drama between the cast.Now I know everyone is a fan, including other clebrities, but she should know better. Alot of what people say isn't true...or at least that's what they want us to believe..
HIGH The Tardy for the Party remix. It speaks for itself...
Runner-up HIGHest HIGH Sheree and Nene burying the hatchet. True friends are hard to come by and as mature women, being able to put your pride to the side and talk it out respectfully, gets a kudos from me.
ABSOLUTE HIGHEST HIGH!!!!!!!! Who gon' check me boo? Hilarious....Amazing.And when that guy quietly closed the door, as though this happens every Tuesday? LMAO and psst...psst
psstt...what people don't know though is that the party was put on for free for Sheree, so maybe that was the reason why Mr.Anthony wasn't so accomodating? Who knows?
Well, that's my wrap-up...your turn...Speak on it.